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HVAC System Design for West Gate Tunnel: Conceptual Design and Analysis

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HVAC System Design for West Gate Tunnel: Conceptual Design and Analysis

HVAC System Design Task: West Gate Tunnel


I need a report that critically analyzes the conceptual design phase of a systems engineering project. My project pertains to "heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)."

The study aims to analyze the subsequent stages of the project:

  • Requires clarification
  • System design at a conceptual level

The report must use pertinent sources such as journals, books, or esteemed trade periodicals to analyze the project, therefore showcasing your research abilities and comprehension. Additionally, you are required to present the case study about the aforementioned two lifespan stages and assess the suggested conceptual design in relation to the indicated needs and requirements.


Summary for Executives
The objective of the HVAC system design assignment is to provide an understanding of the HVAC system's use in the West Gate tunnel. Consequently, the article has examined several facets of the system and the tunnel. Challenges presented by the tunnels pertinent to health problems have been examined. The performance and physical characteristics, as well as the use and modeling of the system inside the tunnel, have been examined prior to concluding the article to emphasize the significance of the HVAC system in the West Gate tunnel.

Advancements in research and engineering have provided many advantages throughout various areas of everyday life for the general populace. One of the most significant advantages that engineering has provided is the development of roads, highways, tunnels, and more. Advancements in engineering have enabled the construction of tunnels of many kilometers in length, tailored to specific requirements. Nevertheless, technology has intensified the peril to human life, necessitating the consideration of appropriate security measures (Cucchi et al. 2016). A significant hazard is the increased thermal heat and deteriorated air quality inside the tunnels (Harris et al. 2018). To alleviate hazards, numerous approaches have been devised, with HVAC being the most popular. The assignment on HVAC system design focuses on the conceptual design of the HVAC system inside tunnels. An overview of the system, accompanied by the issue and mission description, as well as the physical characteristics and other essential considerations, has been presented prior to summarizing the paper and concluding with pertinent suggestions.

HVAC-Based Tunnel Overview
HVAC, an acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, is the technology designed to provide comfort in indoor and vehicle environments (Afram and Janabi-Sharifi 2014). The technology under consideration is founded on mechanical engineering principles and adheres to the rules of fluid mechanics, heat transport, and thermodynamics. The execution of the proposed system is executed by civil and construction engineers. The suggested technology is being used in both small residences and huge tunnels to provide thermal comfort and adequate air quality. The 'H' in the subject's name signifies heating and denotes the regulation of the healing it facilitates. V denotes ventilation, which is intended to replace and exchange indoor air to regulate oxygen replenishment and eliminate CO2 (carbon dioxide), airborne bacteria, smoke, dampness, and other airborne substances (Lin et al. 2015). Diverse equipment and processes converge to provide satisfactory temperature and air quality. It is very beneficial in residential settings; nevertheless, its most significant impact is seen in megastructures like as skyscrapers, extensive tunnels, mines, and many other big enclosed structures. Therefore, it is reasonable to assert that the system in question can provide significant health safety in regions where mitigating the effects of heat and toxic air is challenging. The paper in the discussion aims to provide insight into the HVAC system at West Gate Tunnel.

Identification of Requirements
Problem Definition: Tunnels are constructed to reduce distances, and to accomplish this objective, they are often intended to extend many kilometers in length, resulting in significant transit time. The West Gate Tunnel, the focus of the HVAC system design assignment, is scheduled to be 5 kilometers in length, necessitating a significant duration for traversal (Davis 2018). Numerous academic studies indicate that individuals inside a tunnel are subjected to various deleterious gases, including CO2, NO2, CO, NOx, among others (Fang et al. 2016). Moreover, heat, wetness, smoke, and other factors may pose risks to bystanders. Furthermore, the aforementioned obstacles are exacerbated for persons with a history of cardiovascular issues (Malecha et al. 2017). Therefore, it is crucial to address the health concerns encountered inside the tunnel. Therefore, the suggested research is to examine the technologies that might alleviate the risks associated with tunnels, therefore making them advantageous.

The objective of the article is to alleviate the danger presented by the tunnel while inside it. The proposed measure might be accomplished by regulating air quality and equilibrating internal temperature. The aforementioned accomplishment might be attained with the aid of technology. The technology capable of facilitating the proposed step is HVAC, designed to optimize thermal requirements and provide superior air quality. Thus, the objective of this article is to examine the conceptual design of the HVAC system inside the West Gate Tunnel, which is now in the development phase and may benefit from the technologies presented. To achieve the outlined purpose, the HVAC system design assignment includes particular talks on the system's performance and physical parameters, followed by the usage requirements and environmental factors as subsections of the discussed section.

Performance and Physical Parameters: HVAC systems may use significant energy due to the several processes integral to their primary function. Therefore, it is essential for the system to be optimized for energy efficiency to reduce costs, energy consumption, and emissions. To achieve the proposed goal, many strategies might be used, one of which involves creating an expanded comfort zone that could provide savings exceeding 40% (Kumar et al. 2016). The expanded comfort zone encompasses strategies designed to enhance technology that assist the HVAC system. The occupation include aspects such as arid air management by desiccant dehumidification, installation of heaters, among others. Therefore, the incorporation of the aforementioned methodologies and ideas is recommended as integral to the HVAC system (Sultan et al. 2015). Additionally, the objective was to evaluate the operation of the HVAC system to guarantee the quality of the output. The test will evaluate the system's power efficiency using the Coefficient of Performance (COP) and assess comfort using the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) (Deng et al. 2018). Therefore, after reviewing the outcomes of the aforementioned test, the system selection will be conducted. Additionally, alternative measures will be used to guarantee the system's feasibility and its capacity to achieve the established objectives.

Utilization Requirement: The system aims to provide optimal air quality and thermal equilibrium inside the West Gate Tunnel. The implementation of the proposed technology inside the tunnel would allow pedestrians to experience superior air quality with less hazardous impact. Moreover, the movement of fresh air will provide sufficient oxygen and regulate the thermal flow inside the tunnel (Midani, Subagia and Widiantara 2018). The West Gate Tunnel is designed to accommodate significant traffic, which may sometimes result in congestion and car immobilization; under such circumstances, fresh air would be essential for alleviating the stress of the individuals affected. Furthermore, the system will provide warmth during cold seasons, while in hot seasons, the fresh air will deliver a soothing effect. Consequently, the system's installation inside the tunnel will be used with optimal efficiency, providing a crucial and practical environment for pedestrians.

Environmental Factors: The proposed system, as delineated in the preceding sections, will be evaluated for its efficiency and comfort provided to pedestrians using COP and PMV metrics. Therefore, an effective system would provide sustainability and environmental assistance (Schuster and Yan 2018). Additionally, the system is intended to be bolstered by the expanded comfort zone, which will promote environmental sustainability via its eco-friendly initiatives. The installation of the thermal windows and ventilation will occur wherever it is feasible in the environment. The objective of the system is to provide an appropriate atmosphere inside the tunnel, which will be evaluated by the PMV. The technology will eliminate toxic gasses and heat from the tunnel to create a sustainable environment inside it (Wang et al. 2016). The West Gate tunnel remains in its developmental phase, allowing the development team to evaluate and test the system's effect and support for the tunnel, which may be further adjusted to enhance environmental compatibility. Consequently, the HVAC system design assignment asserts that the proposed system is inherently practical and proficiently supports the environment with high precision. Moreover, the conceptual architecture of the system and the tunnel provides the potential to adapt either or both to accommodate environmental circumstances.

Conceptual Design
Tunnel Location: The West Gate Tunnel, now in its construction phase, is one of the most anticipated projects in Australia and the state of Victoria. It will provide a significant benefit to the state's transportation and travel objectives. The proposed tunnel intends to enhance the current road infrastructure of the West Gate Freeway (Smith 2017). The highway links Williamstown Road and the M80. The primary benefit of the proposed project is the creation of a three-lane underpass at Yarraville, designed to provide an extended link to CityLink. The link will be built by tunnels, and the proposal also proposes a bridge over the Maribyrnong River. The tunnels under construction will divert about 9,300 trucks from the residential areas in the inner west. This will allow for the implementation of a 24-hour prohibition on trucks in the inner west, while the tunnels will facilitate all traffic (Davis 2018). The toll road tunnel under consideration will span 5 kilometers and is being constructed with a budget of $5.5 billion. The projected completion of the project is 2022, accelerated from the original date of 2023 (Norman 2018). The project's selection is supported by the potential congestion of the tunnels resulting from diverting a fleet of 9,300 vehicles, making it imperative to provide a smooth voyage for both truck drivers and other travelers inside the 5 km tunnel.

Modeling of the chosen option
A thorough collection of transient and 3D simulations is suggested for each safety need and system functioning (Satyavada and Baldi 2016). Three-dimensional The Navier-Stokes equations for deriving the transient flow fields that will facilitate a finite volume technique. Additionally, a turbulence model appropriate for supporting the tunnel and the intended flow characteristics will be developed for modeling purposes. The tunnels must be engineered to be radiation-proof to ensure compatibility with the system. Appropriate openings for flammable gasses must be provided to facilitate their escape. The preliminary configuration and design of the HVAC system must also accommodate the vibrations and noise generated during tunnel operation (Villarino, Villarino, and Fernandez 2017). A significant element the tunnel must provide is the design of escape routes to ensure visibility. The proposed solutions might be achieved using computer modeling and should thus be included into the HVAC system installation procedure inside the tunnel. Furthermore, equipment and procedures may be included into the installation process based on the specific requirements of the tunnel, which may be determined after an analysis discussed earlier. The photographs below depict the HVAC system and the HVAC system inside the tunnel, sourced from the internet.

Functional Diagrams
                                                                       HVAC System Design
                                                      (Source: Afram and Janabi-Sharifi 2014)
Hence, the paper in the discussion could be summarized to state that the tunnels are one of the most prominent needs of roadways however; they are not immune to challenges and could pose a significant threat. Hence, the HVAC system design assignment has identified the threat that tunnels could pose and how the HVAC system is capable of mitigating the threat in the discussion. Furthermore the paper has also offered an insight into different factors that need to be considered to ensure adequate use of the system in the tunnel to mitigate the threat posed by the tunnels. Hence, it can b concluded on the HVAC system design assignment that’s it would be justified to state that tunnels pose some threat that could be mitigated with the adequate use of the HVAC system.

Afram, A. and Janabi-Sharifi, F., 2014. Theory and applications of HVAC control systems–A review of model predictive control (MPC). Building and Environment, 72, pp.343-355.

Cucchi, G., Lusardi, A., Mostacci, D., Tositti, L., Tugnoli, F. and Vichi, S., 2016. Radiation protection issues in the excavation of road and railway tunnels, a preliminary assessment. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 171(9-10), pp.801-807.

Cucchi, G., Lusardi, A., Mostacci, D., Tositti, L., Tugnoli, F. and Vichi, S., 2016. Radiation protection issues in the excavation of road and railway tunnels, a preliminary assessment. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, 171(9-10), pp.801-807.

Davis, D., 2018. Whether the West Gate Tunnel?. Planning News, 44(2), p.7.

Deng, Y., Feng, Z., Fang, J. and Cao, S.J., 2018. Impact of ventilation rates on indoor thermal comfort and energy efficiency of ground-source heat pump system. Sustainable Cities and Society, 37, pp.154-163.

Fang, Y., Fan, J., Kenneally, B. and Mooney, M., 2016. Airflow behavior and gas dispersion in the recirculation ventilation system of a twin-tunnel construction. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 58, pp.30-39.

Harris, P., Riley, E., Sainsbury, P., Kent, J. and Baum, F., 2018. Including health in environmental impact assessments of three mega transport projects in Sydney, Australia: A critical, institutional, analysis. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 68, pp.109-116.

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Malecha, Z.M., Poliski, J. and Chorowski, M., 2017. Evaluation of the consequences of a cistern truck accident while transporting dangerous substances through a tunnel. Risk analysis, 37(12), pp.2475-2489.

Midiani, L.P.I., Subagia, I.W.A. and Widiantara, I.B.G., 2018, May. Characterized Temperature and Humidity for Classroom Comfort Zone in Bali. In Proceedings (Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 248-251). Norman, B., 2017. Planning in the news. Planning News, 43(9), p.30.

Satyavada, H. and Baldi, S., 2016. An integrated control-oriented modelling for HVAC performance benchmarking. Journal of Building Engineering, 6, pp.262-273.

Schuster, D.A. and Yan, C., Trane International Inc, 2018. HVAC components having a variable speed drive with optimized power factor correction. U.S. Patent 9,973,129.

Smith, R., 2017. The west gate tunnel project should be downsized. Planning News, 43(4), p.26.

Sultan, M., El-Sharkawy, I.I., Miyazaki, T., Saha, B.B. and Koyama, S., 2015. An overview of solid desiccant dehumidification and air conditioning systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 46, pp.16-29.

Villarino, J.I., Villarino, A. and Fernández, F.Á., 2017. Experimental and modelling analysis of an office building HVAC system based in a ground-coupled heat pump and radiant floor. Applied energy, 190, pp.1020-1028.

Wang, C., Yan, D., Sun, H. and Jiang, Y., 2016. A generalized probabilistic formula relating occupant behavior to environmental conditions. Building and Environment, 95, pp.53-62.

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