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Roper Logan Tierney Model Of Care: A Holistic Approach To Patient Care

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Roper Logan Tierney Model Of Care: A Holistic Approach To Patient Care

As a model of care, what exactly is the Roper Logan Tierney model?

One definition of the Roper Logan Tierney model of care is that it is a concrete philosophy of nursing, and the care that it provides is based on activities that are performed at home. In the shortened version of the model, it is said that the model is common in the United Kingdom, particularly in the public sector. One of the primary functions of the R-T-L model is to serve as an evaluation tool, and it is used during the whole of the patient consultation session. As a result, Trials (2022) has said that the model is evaluated based on the patient's level of relative independence as well as the patient's prospective level of independence in all activities of daily life. As a result, it has been determined that this specific nursing theory contributes to the discussion of issues pertaining to biological, spiritual, psychological, and cultural components. In accordance with the evidence presented in the case study, it has been shown that the primary objective of the theory is to ensure that the care of the patients is maintained throughout. The paradigm is fairly widespread in the United Kingdom, and it has resulted in a reduction in the use of the straightforward checklist.

In addition, the mode is improved to better portray the variables, with the first element being the one that tackles the overall influence that Kristy has had on her experience of being injured and involved in an accident. Therefore, Holland (2019) has claimed that the nursing profession has become more of a holistic model as a result of the inclusion of other aspects. The influence of the patient's general health and the present injury or disease is addressed by the biological element, which, as a result, encompasses the patient's anatomy as well as their philosophy. In accordance with the case study, it has been determined that she was involved in the accident on an unexpected initial basis. As a result, the biological element takes into account the whole of the influence on the comprehensive health.

It is the psychological aspect that takes into account the influence of cognition, emotion, spiritual beliefs, and the capacity to have a comprehensive knowledge. Aside from that, the knowing, wishing, thinking, and believing that is the basis for analyzing the situation of the family is based on the issues that have been specifically addressed.

The sociocultural element, on the other hand, is the concept that develops when the effect of society and cultural experiences is brought to the forefront of individual patient therapy. This is mostly comprised of the ideals that are held by referring to the independence, as well as the expectations that hold those values. It is necessary to have the capability of carrying out the actions on a daily basis in order to increase the significance of the idea throughout the course of your lifetime.

The cultural values, on the other hand, are primarily founded on the expectations, beliefs, and values of a society, as well as the capacity to comprehend the sociocultural aspects that are present throughout the course of time. In relation to the topic at hand, Chronic (2019) has said that it is essential to respect and care for one's beliefs, as well as to demonstrate a commitment to independence, in order to carry out the tasks that are required for daily life.

Furthermore, the environmental component is dependent on the Ropers theory, which asserts that the green model is the theory that takes into account the significance of environmental access as well as the actions that are inscribed for the purpose of achieving the independent capability of the environment. Examining the whole influence that each and every activity and way of life has on the environment is the foundation upon which the entire consideration is built.

 Fawcell (2021) has claimed that the availability of the political economic component addresses the influence of the government, social financing, political reforms, interest rates, and the availability of all private and public funding, among other things. This is something that should be taken into account. Morse (2019) has noted that Ropers attempts to objectify the model by presenting it as a checklist. Additionally, Ropers makes the assertion that if a nurse is uncomfortable, they should explain specific variables with attribution and a lack of evaluations.

In the context of nursing practice, how does the Roper Logan Tierney Model of Care become put into action?

When addressing problems such as the availability of cultural belief and the promotion of comfortable debate in the long term, it is necessary to take into consideration the spiritual aspect that has to be addressed. Because of this, it is now possible to have the fundamental preferences while also exfoliating the preferences of the patient. In accordance with the findings of the case study, it is necessary to manage the activities that are being disregarded in order to ensure that they are accompanied by a comfortable discussion of activities that adhere to fundamental ethical standards and the manifestation of appropriate access.

 The element that solves the problem of financing, interest rates, the availability of public and private finance, and the political reforms in day-to-day life is thus the factor that addresses the issue. In light of this, it is said that in order to comprehend the experiences that Kristy and her family have had, it is necessary to take into account all of the aspects that have been presented.

One of the generalizations that has been made in this part of the conversation is that the process that is believed to be the procedure that sustains the significance of the medical treatments over the long way involves legal permission. Therefore, it is feasible to claim that informed consent is defined as a procedure in which patients have been provided with significant knowledge, and it primarily encompasses the management of potential risks and profits throughout the course of the duration of the treatment. According to Yazdi (2018), the surgical treatments and medical advantages are regarded as the genetic test, and the evaluation of this test is carried out in the form of a clinical trial. The concept of consent has been seen to be an informed consent, and it is firmly intertwined with the law of legal ethics. This observation was made in relation to the case study. In light of this, the concept of legal malpractice makes it possible for individuals to have a common strengthening of the idea that a lawyer is obligated to provide to the client significant information that includes information about the dangers and alternatives. In the long term, the connection with the course of action reveals not only the choice that a person has taken, but also the intervention that has been made for the purpose of improving both efficiency and effectiveness.

Furthermore, in relation to the case study, the legal issues end up being linked with the scenario that Kristy is in. The rule of necessity, on the other hand, is that it gently explains the assistance of the case to be supported with the popularity of the authority, and it aligns the judgment against prejudice. This is stated in the rule of the legislation. The basic requirement that addresses the case analysis suggests that natural justice and its authority are established with improved decision making in the long term. This is in addition to the case analysis. Dayan (2021) has claimed that informed consent is the most effective method because it assists the patient, the patient's family, and the physician in obtaining the medical treatments that are necessary. Additionally, it enables the physician to be treated with behavior and the most frequent kinds of phases, which emphasizes the need of doing a better study of the case.

Within this particular segment of the conversation, the nursing intervention is taken into consideration as the pertinent means of preserving the cerebral perfusion pressure. To have a greater scope of preserving the operation, it is necessary to execute this procedure, and it is carried out in order to have a considerable compressing of the brain with the pressure that is applied to the patients who are being seen in the intensive care unit. In light of this, Ramos (2019) has claimed that an outline of three nursing preoperative activities has been addressed, and that it has the capability of assisting Kristy in returning to a normal life. This is pertinent to the case study. Aside from that, the therapy that is necessary for safeguarding the life cycle of the lady is something that must be taken into consideration. As a result, Comans (2021) has indicated that prehospital treatment is regarded to be one of the primary priorities in order to avoid hypoxia and hypotension. The conclusion that may be drawn from this is that repeated insults have the potential to cause subsequent brain damage. As a result, it is a significant contributor to brain contusions. In addition, it is essential to make certain that paramedics get proper training, since this is beneficial to the process of intubation in the long term. Zheng (2020), on the other hand, has expressed the opinion that arterial hypotension enhancements are the most effective method for avoiding the need for fluid resuscitation. As a result, it has been brought to light that normotonic crystalloids have not been able to profit from improved association. Therefore, Kristy must do this preoperative step before to her operation in order to be prepared.

Within the Roper Logan Tierney Model of Care, the Biological Factor is Considered

In relation to the conversation, Tome (2021) has remarked that the administration of the emergency department had to be prepared to seek out people who have emergency conditions. The first management may thus be performed in the emergency department, which not only improves the evaluation of the affected patient but also secures the airway in preparation for the endotracheal tube management that will be performed in the long run. In addition, it has been said that a neurological examination is required in order to address the competent care of the patient in order to achieve successful outcomes over the course of the long term. Last but not least, it has been brought to everyone's attention that it is necessary to take care of both conservative and strategic management. When addressing the checkup in the appropriate manner, it is necessary to posture the patient in the appropriate manner. In the beginning, it is essential to note the placement of the patient, since this definitely makes it easier for the cerebral venous drainage to occur. As a result, Verghan (2022) has said that haemostatic treatment is required to be carried out in order to achieve appropriate management in the long term here in this particular sequence of the case study. As a result, patients who have shattered pelvises and brain contusions need improved treatment with complicated and concentrated frozen plasma in order to take care of the plasma level in their bodies. In addition to that, medical management has to be addressed since it contributes to a more effective and efficient rise in intracranial pressure. Before beginning the surgical procedure, it is necessary to do an investigation into the prevention or administration of sedation, as well as the most effective treatments for alleviating pain.

During the course of the case study, the three most aberrant signals that highlight the pathogenic as well as the pharmaceutical elements that contribute to the enhancement of abnormal findings over the course of time were identified. After doing a more thorough review of the article, it has been shown that the three aberrant signals that are most often seen are convulsions, poor coordination, and slurred speech. For this reason, Gambeta (2020) has addressed the issue of determining the etiology of the cerebral contusion and the description of the therapeutic choices that need to be maintained in order to achieve successful outcomes for improved health of Kristy. This is something that has been handled with greater empathy. Therefore, in this particular sequence, it has been shown that traumatic brain injuries and the associated injuries increase the likelihood of both death and disability. Therefore, the primary responsibility of a physician is to simplify such difficulties in order to improve the health of a patient. Better coordination, in addition to the measures used by the team, contributes to the improvement of the patient, and brain contusion contributes particularly to the enhancement of the results.

On the other hand, it has been noticed that there are a number of pathophysiological elements in addition to pharmacological aspects, and that this is what leads to the aberrant findings as well. It has been mentioned by Mansilha (2018) that the creation of nerve cells in the brain is accompanied by both pathological and pharmacological components, and that these components are transmitted directly to the electrical impulses. The genetic defect is the root cause of both the disruption in communication and the seizure disorders associated with the condition. In relation to the topic at hand, Natelle (2020) has presented the idea that a convulsion is a situation in which a muscle is tightened and then swiftly relaxes as a result of an uncontrolled shaking of the body. Therefore, it is possible to argue that antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the medication that is most often used for the purpose of minimizing the abnormality that is present in Kristy's body. As a result, it proves to be beneficial in terms of managing the fluctuating levels and the many kinds of AEDs that are administered via various particular transporters. The administration of various therapeutic medications is made possible by the presence of both physiological and pathological circumstances. Furthermore, the elements that are eliminating the stimulation of secretions are enhanced by several factors, including those that are hereditary as well as those that are not genetic. From this point forward, the MRP2 activity is characterized by a rise in the recognition of the detailed compilation.  


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